press release
Splendid Group summer party - employees and management celebrate 50 years of Splendid!

Cologne, June 25, 2024 - The Splendid Group workforce took the start of summer last week as an opportunity to celebrate Splendid Film's 50th birthday together! On the premises of the Group company Splendid Synchron on Alsdorfer Straße in Cologne, people danced, laughed and celebrated into the night.
Since the company was founded in 1974, the Splendid Group has brought numerous premieres to German and Dutch cinemas and home entertainment, including top-class film classics such as the four-time Oscar©-winning Steven Soderbergh thriller TRAFFIC with Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, the Martin Scorsese epic GANGS OF NEW YORK with Leonardo DiCaprio and Oscar©-winner Daniel Day-Lewis and the first three films in the EXPENDABLES series. The Splendid Group has also produced or co-produced and released a number of German and Dutch cinema films, including the thriller GLETSCHERGRAB, the high school musical comedy SYSTEMFEHLER - WENN INGE TANZT and the successful cinema franchises in Belgium and the Netherlands - MISFIT and SLIJMFILM.
The Splendid Group also has a diverse program in store for audiences in 2024: Current or upcoming titles include DIE UNZERTRENNLICHEN - ZWEI DURCH DICK UND DÜNN from the makers of TOY STORY, which can be seen in German-speaking cinemas from August 29, 2024, or SUPERKRACHTEN VOOR JE HOOFD, which opens in Dutch cinemas on July 10, 2024.
For decades, Splendid has stood for both popular and culturally sophisticated film programs. High-quality services for the media industry round off the versatile program spectrum and service profile of the medium-sized media group. The Splendid Group has continued to develop over the past 50 years. The group companies Splendid Medien, Splendid Film, Splendid Synchron, Enteractive, Videociety, Polyband, Splendid Film B.V., Splendid Entertainment and the VoD platform maxdome are now part of the Splendid Group - strong brands both in the media industry and with the public.
In an emotional speech, which the CEO, Andreas R. Klein, addressed to the workforce together with the company founder Albert E. Klein, he thanked the employees and summed up: "We have achieved so much together and can look forward to the next 50 years of Splendid company history with great motivation and confidence."
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